TV And A Movie


Episode Summary

T&V are still hung up about that motorbike

Episode Notes

Get those coke spoons ready, grab that clarinet that you left at the beach and join Troy and Virginia as they welcome you to the magical world of Xaaaaaaanaduuuuuuu!! (Now with less Charles Foster Kane and MORE Kenny Ortega!!) Ka-Chow!!

Part 1 of our 2-part series on “random DVDs Troy bought Virginia when she was a wee lassie” features our queen Olivia Newton-John as Kira *mwah*, a muse sent to aid the dumbest man in the world with his “art”. Amidst all the singing and dancing and shopping montages, can Sonny find love? Can our king Gene Kelly find joy once again? Can possibly the worst business plan in the history of existence turn a vacant garbage nightclub into a cocaine fueled success?

Drunk construction workers!! Pizza drugs!! Tons of synthesizers!! (We may not be able to pronounce it but we can revel in their glory!!) Can you name the 5 instruments that exist in the world? Would YOU loan out your motorbike to a random stranger? Is Michael Beck the next John Travolta?! (wait…let us answer that for you with a resounding NO!!) We hope you enjoy hearing about the same 3 characters in the same 3 locations over and over again and remember…the ‘40’s are to the ‘80’s as the ‘80’s are to the ‘20’s (feel old now?)!!

Episode Notes: V got new kittens (Colby and Bleu) so you’ll inadvertently hear a LOT from them. Also, we talk about this movie’s rating in comparison to another movie’s rating from the past and we’re here to tell you we messed up!! It’s a tie!!

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This week's Music Spotlight is…A SECRET!!

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Editing by Andrew Dudich!!

Logo by HRH Bunny on Twitter and IG!!

Jingles/Anthems by Dot Homler!!

Theme Song is “TV Head” by The Fantastic Plastics – Check them out at